Koinonia Projects for 2024
1. We are hoping to complete the remaining 4 rooms upstairs. We need to put in the ceiling, tiles, walls, bed, bunk beds, A.C and fully furnish it. The purpose of these rooms will be to host visiting teams from abroad… who otherwise would be staying at a hotel… So these rooms will generate income to the ministry… Each room is estimated to cost $5,000.00.
2. Upgrade our church bathrooms, male and female. 3 showers and 3 toilets each. (These bathrooms will be needed as we host groups.) Estimated cost $12,000.00
Walls, doors and windows for our satellite church in San Pedro Columbia $5,500.00
Windows for our church building. Our church building has 76 arch double windows. We have been able to cover 50% of all our windows. So we have a remaining 50% the estimated cost for that would be $14,000.00