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Koinonia Projects 1 for 2024

Trainings in each country of Central America (7 countries total).

Each country costs an average of $6,000.00 to send a team of 6 persons to host Training with an average of 50 to 75 churches participating. This will include but not limited to:

  1. Travel fees for 5 to 6 team members, their lodging/hotel and meals, etc...

  2. Curriculum and school supplies for each church for their Sunday school crafts

  3. Meals for each participant attending

  4. In some cases, assist some participants with travel allowance.

  5. A recreational day for our team members. The estimated total cost for Central America Trainings is about $36,000.00 *(Praise God we already Have $30,000.00 towards it) So we are believing God for $6,000.00

Koinonia Past Trainings

Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama

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